The Top 7 Things that ALL-STAR Candidates Have in Common
by Jaime Burke

If you’ve ever been in the position of a hiring manager or recruiter, I’m sure you will agree that when you’re in the presence of an all-star candidate, you know right away. Beyond their killer resume that outlines a series of progressive development and a wake of achievements, you see the spring in their step, a smile on their face and sparkle in their eye. They emit a glowing, optimistic energy and are able to engage in effortless conversation with you (a stranger) that feels like you’re chatting with a longtime friend. They tell their story with confidence and ease, sharing their experience as well as their plans, weaving any past challenges into lessons and learning in the process of their lifelong desire for personal and professional growth. They are resilient, they have grit, and they know where they are headed.
In the recruiting industry, these types of candidates are often referred to as ‘unicorns’. As striking and rare as they are, they are defined by their elusiveness. They are more often than not actively pursued by employers based on their reputation or referrals, or at the very least, hired quickly by savvy and intuitive managers who know they won’t last a hot second in any job market.
Putting the talk of mythical creatures aside, there is no one single or easy definition of the ‘all-star’ candidate. And without spending hours trying to describe the meaning of the ‘x-factor’, I can confidently say that after almost six years in recruitment and hundreds of interviews, ‘all-star’ candidates have these 7 things in common:
1. They opt for the in-person interview (whenever possible)
As we all know, the onset of the pandemic in 2020 changed the way we work. We realized, what seemed like overnight, that we could meet and communicate virtually, from different parts of the world and different time zones. And while remote work and meetings offer a huge list of clear, recognizable advantages, the depth and connection you can develop through an old-fashioned, in-person meeting just can’t be beat. Great candidates know and understand that the nuance of in-person conversation - the eye contact, body language, the tone - is a massive part of human communication and getting to know and understand the person you’re meeting. And as such, whenever circumstances allow, they get out from behind their laptop and make the effort to show up, shake your hand and look you in the eye. This makes ALL the difference when trying to stand out amongst the ‘pack’ (aka competitors in their job search).
2. They mind the details
All star candidates are highly conscientious and have developed their own personal brand. This means that they know and understand that how they present themselves is important, (whether it be in-person or virtual) and includes even the small, often imperceptible details. They create a calm and professional setting and consider the lighting, camera angle and background for their virtual meetings. Their appearance is tidy and put together, and they dress appropriately and professionally for the style of interview or meeting they are attending. They test technology before the meeting begins and make darn sure they won’t have any connection issues once the conversation is flowing! When it comes to a well presented and seamless interaction, all-star candidates mind all of the small details that contribute to how their ‘brand’ is perceived.
3. They have GREAT energy
Great candidates have great energy. What does it mean to have ‘great energy’? It means that not only do they have a good amount of it, but that it’s positive and uplifting. It means that they have a palpable vibration or ‘frequency’ that you can feel in their presence. This is likely because they get genuinely excited to meet new people and embrace the changes they are going through. They show up to a meeting with an active desire to engage, instead of just answering questions or providing information. And most importantly, they contribute to the conversation with joy and ease, rather than treating the meeting like a means to an end. Great energy is contagious, and after a meeting with an all-star candidate, you will always feel excited, energized and refreshed.
4. They OWN their story
We all have a story. Most of us have a background that includes some up’s and down’s, some twists and turns, and periods of both success and adversity. Great candidates not only know their story well and tell it with ease (*side note - this takes some active rehearsing and prep), but they also share with equal amounts of pride and humility. This is what I refer to as ‘owning’ it.
‘Owning it’ implies not only highlighting success and achievement, but also being open and transparent about transitions, gaps, and reasons for moving on from each role. If they took a career break, they don’t hide it or skim over it - they share what they did and what they learned in that time, knowing full well that invaluable growth and life lessons turn up as readily in caring for a new baby or aging parent, or surfing in Indonesia, as they do in a boardroom. Great candidates take responsibility for their choices and talk about what they learned from any side steps, mis-steps, and challenges they have faced. They have mastered a growth mindset, as they know that adversity is a necessary part of growth and they are both humble and confident enough to talk about it, share the wisdom it imparted, and how it contributed to their overall development.
5. They know themselves and their values
All-star candidates have a clear sense of self. This means that they are clear on who they are, what their values are, and what is important to them - both inside and outside of work. They have an innate understanding of their purpose, what they are passionate about, what gets them energized and what motivates them. Simon Sinek refers to this as your “why”, and argues that it contributes to your influence and direction. Which brings me to my next point…
6. They have a direction
Candidates who are crystal clear on their values and passions are more apt to carve out a career path that aligns with them. They know who they are and what they want, and have spent time considering what works for them and conversely, what doesn’t work. This clarity allows them to move more readily and efficiently towards companies and roles that share the same values. Whether their path becomes clear through trial and error, or they have a strong direction from the get go, great candidates can verbalize what excites them, what they are good at, what industry they want to be in, what kind of company they want to work for, and what type of role that best suits them. They are mindful and selective in their job applications instead of throwing their resume out to every job posting and seeing what ‘sticks’, as they know where they are headed and they are determined to get there.
7. They are lifelong learners
All-star candidates have an insatiable thirst for two things, which are 1. Feedback and 2. personal and professional development.
Feedback can be a tricky thing for many of us, as it can bring up some uncomfortable emotions and trigger feelings of unworthiness. However, with a developed sense of self and humility, great candidates swallow their pride and actively seek feedback, as they are keenly aware that it is an invaluable part of growth and development. Feedback influences self awareness and allows for a process of continuous improvement. Great candidates never underestimate how simple requests for feedback can drive small tweaks that can have a significant impact or give them an ‘edge’ over their competitors and provide valuable insight into how others perceive them and their overall performance.
Further to feedback, great candidates are constantly learning and leveling-up their skills. For some, it could simply mean reading a lot of books on a topic of interest, and for others, it could mean pursuing an MBA. It could mean sharpening a technical skill, or simply pursuing free online courses on topics of interest (i.e. DEI, emotional intelligence for leadership, or the latest in AI). Professional development looks different for everyone, but the idea is simple: great candidates NEVER stop learning. They have interests and passions both inside and outside of their work, and they actively pursue growth and development throughout their lifetime and career stages. They are consistently sharpening the ‘tools’ in their toolbox to make sure they keep up with a world that is evolving and changing at an exponential pace. They have a high level of curiosity, a strong desire to learn, and they are more interesting people with more to contribute because of it.
All-star candidates are the unicorns of the job market—not just because of their standout resumes, but for the exceptional qualities they bring to the table. Their eagerness to connect in person, meticulous attention to detail, and infectious positive energy leave a lasting impression. They confidently own their stories, are grounded in their values, and have a clear sense of direction. With a growth mindset and a lifelong commitment to learning, they are always evolving. These attributes make them highly sought-after, propelling their success in both professional and personal spheres. What truly sets these candidates apart is their unwavering dedication to personal development and their ability to align their passions and values with their career aspirations.
As an employer aiming to bring this caliber of talent into your organization, the key takeaway is simple: all-star candidates don’t stay on the market for long. They are snapped up quickly, which means you must be ready for them, and extremely decisive when you encounter one. Better yet, increase your odds by maintaining a strategic partnership with a skilled recruiter, ensuring you’re the first to know when a ‘unicorn’ has been spotted.
I can’t emphasize enough the magic that happens when I meet an all-star candidate and float them over to a great partnering client who can recognize this kind of talent when they see it. Bringing great candidates into any organization takes a planned and highly strategic approach, and having a partner on the front lines can be invaluable in sourcing all-star players.
For job seekers, keep this article as a reference and remember these eight essential tips if you want to stand out in a competitive market—whether applying for roles, meeting with recruiters, or stepping into interviews. Or better yet, reach out to your MSG recruiter for more resources on how to level up your profile and bring your A-game to your next job search.