Industrial Sector Recruiting

Roles offered in Manufacturing, Distribution,Building Materials, Construction, Machinery & Heavy Equipment, Electrical, Wire & Cable, Lighting, Automation, Mining & Engineering, Tools, HVAC & Mechanical, Plumbing, Safety and Chemicals

The Industrial sector is Canada’s largest and most diverse practice area. It encompasses both manufacturing as well as distribution of a wide variety of goods and services intended for numerous sectors.

Industrial recruiting serves an extremely wide array of sub-sectors, including manufacturing, building materials, construction, machinery, equipment, distribution, automation, mining, engineering, tools, electrical, plumbing, chemicals, and many more. Among those mentioned, building materials and construction dominate this industry across Canada.

MacDonald Search Group’s industrial sector recruiting consultants have had extensive backgrounds in the field to help zero in on the

right candidate for the job. Roles in this sector span sales and marketing, engineers, marketing, HR, accounting and finance.

With a penchant for defining key technical and core competencies needed for every role, our industrial sector recruiting and consultancy services can ensure that business continues to thrive by attracting high performers who are able to navigate across various industry challenges and face demands head on.