Challenges and trends in hiring in 2022

Posted on September 30, 2022

By: Wade Simmons

The job market hasn’t been the same in recent years. 2022 is seeing a rebound, but how employers find and hire candidates is changing. Here are a few trends we’re noticing in the hiring market and how your business can use this trend or overcome the obstacle it presents.

Fewer qualified candidates for more jobs

The job market ebbs and flows. Currently, there are more jobs than there are unemployed candidates to fill these roles. To add to the challenge, this small candidate pool is more discerning in the positions they seek (salary, remote work flexibility…etc.). Many employers feel they need to compromise on candidate suitability just so they can fill the role. Some employers are also going through the interview process with a candidate, only to have them pull out at the last minute due to previously uncommunicated expectations of the role.

How to overcome this hiring challenge: Employers should be very clear in their job descriptions and requirements; this includes a salary range. With so few candidates in the active job market, recruiters are starting to seek those already employed and looking for a change. However, in my experience, it’ll be hard to attract a currently employed candidate to your job if their salary would be decreased.

More baby boomers retiring

Many of the jobs I’m seeing available today are vacated by baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1965), retiring much faster than in the early 2000s when the first boomers reached retirement age. COVID also pushed many to retire over the past 2 years. By the end of 2020, nearly 30 million boomers retired, and we’ve seen this number increase since. These boomers are leaving the workforce and leaving many senior-level positions open, but not enough qualified candidates are ready for them.

How to overcome this hiring challenge: While you can’t prevent people from retiring, you can prepare your lines of succession for senior positions. Start the mentoring process to promote for these senior roles from within. If looking externally for candidates, you may find it easier to hire these senior roles from a pool of already-employed candidates looking for a change or promotion.

More hybrid or remote working options

During COVID, employees either loved or hated working from home. Many found working from home much easier (shorter commutes, more relaxed working environments, flexibility in working hours). These candidates likely won’t consider a new role if there isn’t flexibility for remote working options, at least some of the time.

How to overcome this hiring challenge: Look at your company policies and consider being flexible for remote working options. I foresee this significantly expanding your candidate base.

Shorter interview/hiring processes

In the past, it was common in many larger organizations to have several rounds of interviews. This worked well when the candidate pool was large, but with the smaller pool today, it can often hinder your chances of finding the right fit. Qualified candidates are likely also interviewing with other organizations. If they receive a job offer from another company but are only on interview round 1 of 4 with yours, they are likely to accept the other job and pull out of the running at your company because it’s taking too long.

How to overcome this hiring challenge: Consider if having multiple interview rounds are necessary. You can likely cut one or more of your introductory interviews when you work with a recruiter. We do much of the leg work around qualifying candidates and testing requirements to ensure competency. Your interviews can be shorter and focused more on seeing if the candidate is a good cultural fit for your organization.

How to hire in 2022 and 2023

How you seek out candidates for positions at your organization will change. To get the best possible candidates, be open and honest about what you’re looking for, be flexible with remote-working options, and expedite the hiring process where possible.

An easy way to expedite the hiring process is to hire a firm like MacDonald Search Group and myself to do the first stages of candidate search and acquisition for you. It’s my job to find the best candidates who are uniquely qualified for your jobs and guide you and the candidate through the process together.

Feel free to reach out to myself or my colleagues at MSG for a chat about your hiring goals and vacant positions you need to fill.