Welcome to the team: Paul Melanson

Posted on May 17, 2021

Meet one of the newest members of our team! Paul Melanson has been recruiting in Atlantic Canada for the last 13 years and joined the MSG group about 5 months ago. His previous sales and business development background had him travelling the Eastern seaboard a lot so a career in recruiting (which involves much less travel) was very appealing as he had a young family at home.

During his sales and business development career, he often worked with recruiters to find his next role. When the opportunity arose to become a recruiter himself, he already knew the value of the role from the “candidate” side so it was an easy sell.

Paul is now a Senior Consultant for MSG’s Atlantic Canada region. He’s got a true passion for networking and helping to connect people. He values keeping things simple and transparent and isn’t afraid to tell you the hard truth or celebrate a win with you. Instead of calling you to talk about the specifics of a potential role, he’ll call you to chat more about you and your career aspirations. He takes a more holistic approach when working with candidates and clients so he gets to know the person behind the resume.

Paul says being a professional recruiter isn’t for everyone. You either love it or hate it. He definitely LOVES it as it’s a natural fit for his skills and personality. See more of Paul’s diverse skills, experience, and currently open jobs today.